STInt 2022: What We Learned
As another successful summer of the STEM Teacher Internship (STInt) programme comes to a close, we are excited to share the learning from our teachers. This year’s programme placed 62 student and early career primary and post-primary STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) teachers in 31 leading organisations across Ireland.
This programme is an iconic partnership between Irish education and industry – a globally unique programme – and addresses Ireland’s vision for global leadership in STEM education, citizenship and enterprise. The objectives of STInt are to influence STEM teaching and learning in Irish schools; provide role models to inspire future generations of students (particularly girls and those who may be socially, economically or educationally disadvantaged) to enhance their knowledge of STEM careers; and to foster sustainable school-industry collaborations.
Over the summer, our teachers shared some of the new skills and knowledge they’ve gained from this experience. Check out these Jamboards they created:
Here are some photos of the amazing opportunities they had along the way:
At the end of their summer placement, each teacher created a short video sharing what they gained from their STInt in industry. Watch their testimonials here: