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Simply Blue Group

Host Introduction

Simply Blue Group, headquartered in Cork, Ireland, is a leading blue economy developer focused on replacing fossil fuels with clean ocean energy. It develops pioneering blue economy projects – floating offshore wind, e-Fuels, wave energy and low-impact aquaculture – all in harmony with the oceans. The company has a pipeline of over 10GW of floating offshore wind projects across the globe. Simply Blue Group is committed to creating new economic opportunities for coastal communities, and developing projects that co-exist with sustainable fisheries and marine conservation. With a passionate team of over 100 people, Simply Blue Group has offices in Cork, Dublin, Newquay, Pembrokeshire, Edinburgh, Bilbao, Oregon and Nova Scotia.

STEM Teacher Intern Role

You will join the busy (but fun!) communications department at Simply Blue Group where your role will be to assist the comms team at external and internal events held by the Group, liase with project teams, coordinate communications activity and assist in the development of a educational programme across
the Group. You will be provided with a laptop and travel if required will be covered.

Participating Years

2022 – 2023

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