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Gabriele Spiridaviciute

I’m Gabriele, a First Year PME student specialising in Computer Science and Mathematics at Galway University.

Imogen Hards

My name is Imogen and I am in my final year of studying Bachelor of Arts (Mathematics and Education) at University of Galway.

Isabel Mortell

My name is Isabel Mortell. I am a 4th year student studying a Bachelor of Science with Concurrent Education in the University of Limerick.

Izabela Kozuch

Hi, my name is Izabela Kozuch. I am a science teacher, currently in my fourth year of teaching at secondary level.

James Webb

My name is James Webb and I am a current 4th year student at the University of Galway.

Jessica Whelan

My name is Jessica and I'm from Limerick. I have a passion for science, in particular biology and agricultural science.

Jim Rossiter

My name is Jim Rossiter and I am a recent graduate from UCD with a MSc in Mathematics and Physics Education.

Kate Hogan

I'm Kate Hogan, and I'm currently studying science education at the University of. Limerick.

Abigail Keating

Hi, My name is Abigail and I am a final year student studying a Bsc (Education) in Maths and Computer Science.

Amelia Glynn

I first completed my undergraduate degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Chemical Biology in UCD, and am now undertaking a PME in UL with chemistry and biology as my subjects.

Amy Clancy

My name is Amy I recently graduated from the MSc in Physics and Maths Education in UCD.

Aoife Mullally

My name is Aoife, and I'm studying Maths with Education in Maynooth University.
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