STInt Intern FAQ & Application Guidelines
Guidelines for your CV
A professional CV to apply for a STEM Teacher Internship should be maximum two pages, highlighting your academic and professional capabilities relevant to the job. Take care to make sure your layout and formatting are well-considered. If you are cramming everything in and you can’t fit in the fact that you love yoga or Gaelic football without reducing your margins to 0.5cm, consider sacrificing these sections, and give space to your qualities and achievements that are relevant to the role – remember, less is more. Where possible, submit your CV in PDF format.
Step 1
Personal Details
Include your full name, home address, permanent email address and contact number
Step 2
Third-Level Study Record
State your university/college, the course you are studying and the dates
Include your overall grade for each year – for example:
Dublin City University, BSC in Physical Education and Biology 2017-2021
Grade 2017/2018: First Class Honours
Grade 2018/2019: Second Class Honours
Grade 2019/2020: First Class Honours
List any key projects/theses completed
Step 3
School record
Name the school or educational establishment where you completed your Leaving Certificate or equivalent (e.g. A levels or International Baccalaureate), and your dates of attendance. List the Leaving Certificate or equivalent second level subjects in order from highest to lowest grades with honours subjects first followed by ordinary/foundation level, for example:
English (H) H1/A1
Irish (H) H2/B1
History (O) O4/C1
Step 4
Employment Experience
Outline your most recent employment first, followed by the next etc. If you have held a number of posts, select two or three which will showcase the skills, competencies and level of responsibility which might be relevant to a STEM Teacher Internship role. Exclude teaching placements.
Include your start and end dates
Name of employer
Job title
Short description of your key duties and responsibilities
Short description of skills obtained – remember to use active verbs including sold, solved etc.
Step 5
The section of your CV provides you with an opportunity to explain to an employer why you are a good candidate for the positions. It can be difficult to think of these if you’ve had junior roles. Only add some if you can as they can look impressive. If you have skills the employers have mentioned in the job descriptions, then try to match them with achievements from your work history, for example customer service skills.
Include skills under the following headings
Personal Skills
Leadership: Elected as class representative for the BSc in Physical Education and Biology class 2019/2020
Team work:
I.T. Skills
Example: Proficient in Microsoft Powerpoint, Excel and Word, and Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator). Familiar with online collaborative tools such as Google Drive, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Mural, Miro and Slack. Competent in video production and editing.
English (native), Irish (advanced), French (intermediate)
Voluntary Work
Work with the DSPCA
Awards and Achievements
Captain of DCU hockey team
Include a short list of your pastimes and interests here
Include any positions you held on committees or any leadership roles
Before you submit your C.V.
- Check your spelling and grammar
- Check your format (are you using the same font, font size etc)
Guidelines for completing the application form
Within the application form, we will ask you a number of questions to determine your motivations for applying to the STInt programme, and to better understand your hopes and fears in relation to the programme. It is your chance to describe your skills, ambitions and experience to the DCU STInt Team, who will be matching you with your potential host company.
Look at the various job descriptions from companies and identify the skills and competences required for the jobs that interest you. Remember that you don’t need to have gained skills through professional experience – that is not expected for a graduate-level position. Of a much greater value are indicators of enthusiasm, flexibility, motivation, varied perspectives and life experiences.
Tell the reader why you are applying for this job, discuss your ambitions and interests and why you would be a suitable candidate
Discuss any relevant employment experience or volunteering you have undertaken
Remember that these answers are about you – don’t try to sound like someone else!