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Irish Water

Host Introduction

Irish Water is Ireland’s national regulated water utility and is responsible for providing water and wastewater services throughout Ireland. Our mission is to ensure all of our customers receive a clean, safe and reliable supply of drinking water and have their wastewater collected and safely returned to the environment. We will protect the health and well-being of the people of Ireland, protect the environment in all our activities and support Ireland’s social and economic growth through appropriate investment in water services. 

STEM Teacher Intern Role

The interns will be tasked with developing a programme for TY students focussing on water and sustainability. The programme will be developed in conjunction with the ECO-UNESCO organisation.

In addition to the on-the-job learning, you will also benefit from a structured programme of learning & development during this time.

Interns will be paired with graduates or team members to ensure they are supported and supervised during the internship

Irish Water

Participating Years

2019, 2022 – 2023

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