Laura Keeley
Tell Us About Yourself
Hi, my name is Laura Keeley. I am from Stradbally, County Waterford. I am currently in my first year of my professional masters of post-primary education degree in UCC. My subjects include History and Mathematics. I would like to broaden my understanding of STEM teaching and enhance my teaching practices in line with this. I am looking to gain more skills in relation to working within industry and enable my students to develop these skills also. I believe this programme would provide me with the key knowledge and skills I may require and in turn, this will aid me in my future career in education. I have a keen interest in ICT in education and I would like to develop these skills. I would like to gain more experience of working outside the classroom and see the many opportunities STEM has to offer.
Post Internship Reflection
One of the most striking realisations I had during my time at the tech company was the tangible application of mathematical concepts in real-world scenarios. I witnessed first hand how data analytics, algorithms , and statistical models are foundational to the operations of the company. This experience underscored the importance of teaching mathematics not just as abstract concepts but as tools that drive innovation and problem-solving in various industries. I am now equipped with concrete examples of how the math we learn in the classroom is directly applicable to exciting careers in tech, which I can share with my students to inspire and motivate them.
Another aspect of my internship that will really stand to me is the exposure to women in STEM. Going back into an all-girls school, I will be able to shed light on the fact that STEM is no longer as male dominated as it once was & there is great things happening within the STEM industry for women which will hopefully aid to motivate my students to take the jump for a STEM role.
*an excerpt of a complete reflection piece.