Laura Fanning
Hi, my name is Laura Fanning, I am currently an undergraduate in University College Cork, completing a BSc in Science Education. My Subject specialism is Biology. I have had an inquisitive mind for science since a young age and a desire to learn and share my knowledge with others. My aim from this internship, is to gain knowledge into the importance and requirement of STEM within companies throughout Ireland. I also look forward to obtaining practical experience and skills which I can implement into my teaching, to help target and motivate students to potentially make difference in STEM industries.
The STInt Programme is a fantastic opportunity to enhance my scientific knowledge and experience whilst also benefiting my students, and future generations who have the potential to provide innovative ideas and skills to ameliorate STEM within companies locally and globally. It will add another dimension to my love for science, I look forward to the opportunity to work in a field of science that I am interested in, whilst also enhancing my own range skills. I will gain an appreciation which I can share with my students. In future, I can implement my key findings into my teaching, targeting and motivating students to potentially make a difference in STEM industries.