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Eilish McLoughlin is an Associate Professor and Head of the School of Physical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU). She is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics and a Chartered Physicist. Eilish leads the preparation of second level physics teachers through DCU’s BSc Science Education Programme. Her research interests focus on supporting teacher’s professional learning in physics and science. She leads and collaborates in STEM education projects at EU, national, and local levels that examine the development of curriculum, instruction and assessment at all levels of education.

Dr. Eilish McLoughlin

Academic Lead at Dublin City University



Dr. Mark Prendergast is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education in the School of Education, University College Cork. He is a graduate of Physical Education and Mathematics (BSc.(Hons.), 2007), and Mathematics Education (PhD, 2011) from the University of Limerick. He joined the UCC School of Education in 2019 and is currently Director of the School’s Cohort PhD programme. He is also involved in the delivery of a number of modules on the School’s Professional Master of Education (PME) and M.Ed. Masters programmes. Mark has held previous academic positions in the National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and Learning (NCE_MSTL) in the University of Limerick (2011 – 2012), in the Dublin Institute of Technology (2012 – 2014), and in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin (2014 – 2019).

Dr. Mark Prendergast

Co-Academic Lead at University College Cork



Dr. Ryan Gallagher is a full-time Lecturer in BEd Science Education serving as assistant to the Programme Director in the School of Education, at University College Cork (UCC). He currently serves as an Irish representative on the OECD science committee for the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), on the PISA National Committee of Ireland and also currently serves on the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) committee. He is a member of the executive of the International Council of Associations for Science Education (ICASE) where he serves as Membership Secretary. He previously served as Chairperson and Treasurer of the Cork branch of the Irish Science Teachers’ Association (ISTA).

Ryan Gallagher

Co-Academic Lead at University College Cork


Veronica McCauley, PhD, is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of Science Education, in the School of Education, University of Galway, Ireland. She holds the position of Joint Director of the Centre of Pedagogy and Public Engagement Research, CoPPER, University of Galway, which undertakes research and pedagogical practice in the area of engagement with a particular emphasis on sustainable community-led public communication interventions. Former Vice-Chair of the University of Galway’s Research Ethics Committee (2019-2023), Veronica was also recently appointed as the Chair of Research for the School of Education.

Dr. Veronica McCauley

Academic Lead at University of Galway



Mairéad Hurley is a lecturer in the School of Education, and co-convenor of the Science & Society research group. Her research interests lie at the intersection of science communication, education, and public engagement, with a particular interest in research and practice in non-formal learning environments that connect the STEM disciplines with the arts. She is increasingly focusing her work on issues of climate justice, democracy and global citizenship education, through her role as Principal Investigator of the €2.4M Horizon Europe, UKRI & SERI project LEVERS, and as lead for Trinity College Dublin’s participation in the Critical ChangeLab project, led by the University of Oulu. Prior to joining the School of Education, she was Head of Research & Learning in Science Gallery Dublin, where she led the €3M European Commission funded SySTEM 2020 project, which mapped informal science learning in 22 countries. She holds a PhD in astronomy (Dublin City University), a Professional Diploma in Education (University College Dublin) and a B.Sc in Physics & Astronomy (National University of Ireland, Galway). 

Dr. Mairéad Hurley

Academic Lead for Trinity College Dublin



Majella Dempsey is strand leader for Curriculum Studies on the Doctorate of Education with Specialisms programme.  She lectures on Curriculum Studies, Research Methods, Teaching, Learning and Assessment at undergraduate and post-graduate level.  She is Link Convenor for the curriculum network of the EERA (European Educational Research Association), and a member of the International Network for Curriculum Studies of the University of Stirling, Scotland. She leads the ESAI Curriculum Studies Special Interest Group in Ireland. Majella chairs the NCCA Development Group working on developing the new specification for biology and is the IUA representative on the NCCA Board for Senior Cycle.

Dr. Majella Dempsey

Academic Lead at Maynooth University



Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain is an Associate Professor in the School of Mathematics & Statistics, where she is director of the BSc. Science, Mathematics & Education initial teacher education programme in the UCD College of Science. Her research investigates issues in Mathematics Education, with particular focus on teacher education. Her work also focuses on making STEM more accessible and exciting for those who have historically been left out, whether because they are underprivileged economically or because they are female. A former post-primary teacher in a DEIS school, she is committed to making the teaching of mathematics more effective and this commitment has taken her well out of the university classroom as a science communicator on TV, radio and in print.

Dr. Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain

Co-Academic Lead at University College Dublin



Mary Cunneen is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at University College Dublin School of Mathematics and Statistics and Lecturer in Mathematics Pedaogogy and Teacher Education.

Dr. Mary Cunneen

Co-Academic Lead at Univeristy College Dublin



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